Tuesday, August 21, 2012

LOTFP: Rolling Up Two Fighters - Choosing a Class

They may be bigger than us, but they only have wooden clubs
and furry loincloths! We can take 'em!
Fighter 01.

STR - 14 (+1)
INT - 12
WIS - 10
DEX - 10
CON - 13 (+1)
CHA - 12

Hit Points
Checking p.06, as a 1st level fighter, she gets 1d8 hp! I rolled a 4. With the CON bonus, that's a 5. Fortunately, there is a minimum number of hit points for a 1st level fighter as per p.20, so Fighter 01 starts of with 8 hp.

Attack Bonus
Also on p.20, it says that I get an attack bonus of +2 at 1st level. That's why she's a fighter, man.

Saving Throws
These are the values that I have to equal or beat on a d20 roll:
  • Paralyze [14]
  • Poison [12]
  • Breath Weapon [15]
  • Magical Device [13]
  • Magic [16]
It seems that the fighter is best at resisting or overcoming the effects of Poison, followed by resisting Magical Devices, then overcoming paralysis and petrification, then area effect breath weapon things, then magic!

Fighter 02

STR - 11
INT - 9
WIS - 11
DEX - 13 (+1)
CON -11
CHA - 8 (-1)

Hit Points

For her, I roll 1d8 and get a 3. Fighter 02 starts of with 8 hp as well.

Attack Bonus
Attack bonus of +2 at 1st level; check.

Saving Throws

Equal or beat on a d20 roll:
  • Paralyze [14]
  • Poison [12]
  • Breath Weapon [15]
  • Magical Device [13]
  • Magic [16]
Concise explanation of what each of these mean on p.21, which helps to further the 'rulings not rules' aspect of running this game.

I've peeked ahead, and know that fighters get some other goodies for their class as well -- like at least two combat options not open to most other classes -- so I'm getting a good feel for this character class.

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That's my side of things. Let me know what you think, my friend.