Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fading Sundays: Different Settings?

Fading Suns, if you hadn't noticed from past posts in this blog, is one of my favorite RPG settings of all time. I've run a number of campaigns in this setting, and still follow the RPG to this day.

Now, what often comes up is the issue of the system (which was recently -- depending on your interpretation of recent -- revamped in a newer edition) as needing some tweaking or overhauling.

However, few people ever talk about tweaking the setting. I suppose part of this is because people take setting tweaking for granted -- part and parcel of GMing.

On my part, I have occasionally wished for more radical changes, such as:

  • a bigger (or just different) map of the Known Worlds, with different factions and mixes;
  • slightly different take on the Universal Church of the Pancreator, with a slightly less "inquisitorial" feel and more of the "cultural expectation and norm" feel -- especially bringing back the concept of people actually feeling obliged to tell the truth (regardless of their actual guilt in a crime) because they're swearing on the equivalent of a Bible;
  • a different way of handling "in-system" travel, with slightly less opportunities to do space battles (because fuel expenditure is expensive, and pre-programmed burn times and revectoring is key for profitability and actually getting to your destination) and allowing for some fighter + point defense work to be used in space combat;
  • a way to address the issues of the inter-system economy (more finished goods being shipped, key technologies, no raw materials, and perhaps an emphasis on shipping being more supplies to help the current worlds expand their colonies);
  • an adventuring party culture that supports Questing Knights and other Wandering Knight orders;
  • a system of nobility split between the classic definition, and the Traveller approach to nobility (in a universe that has known MegaCorps);
  • a setting less terrified of exploration, to allow for more traditional ship-based exploration adventuring;
  • a less "spell-list" oriented interpretation of the clergy's abilities, and a more investiture / rank oriented gaining of authority over things Seen and Unseen (dependent on faith and faithfulness to the Pancreator, of course).
And perhaps that's what future Fading Sundays posts will cover.

Monday, January 12, 2015

A sourcebook on the 8th Doctor!

Something I never thought I'd see out (and thankfully, Cubicle 7 made it happen): The 8th Doctor Sourcebook!

We'll see if I can pick this up in the upcoming months, but it's good to see this out on DriveThruRPG.

I'm curious to see if, aside from the TV movie and the recent webisodes, they included material from elsewhere (radio dramas and books) to beef up his timeline.

In comparison to all of the other Doctors, he's had both the longest (in terms of years) run and the shortest (in terms of episodes) run.

Still, it's great to see this portion of The Doctor's history getting RPG treatment!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

King of Dragon Pass (Saga 01) - Success!

A quick save of the record of my saga -- my first successful game of King of Dragon Pass.

Ancient Lore
During the marriage of Orlanth and Ernalda, the Hendart men whooped and drank with Orlanth, making Orlanth our main deity.

Our clan’s earliest famous event was Jested’s Settlement, when Issaries the Talking God outwitted foreign deities in a difficult negotiation.

During the Storm Age, we adopted strangers into our clan. Our worst enemies in those days were the trolls.

We were originally a Balanced Clan.

At the Dawn, we first awakened Orlanth, the Father.

Our attitude toward dragons and their ilk was negative; we did not like them nor believe their words.

We made the dangerous trek to Dragon Pass, and claimed more land than we needed, to grow into. We built a clan hall, some steads, and a temple to Orlanth. But when we left Heortland, we lost much of our connection with the gods.

The god-talkers said we needed to learn one of Uralda’s blessings.

Brolli, a trader from the northern kingdom of Tarsh, tried to convince some of our carls to leave us for farming opportunities in his homeland. Ingard said that there must be a hidden catch to Brolli’s offer. The carls agreed, and would not go with Brolli. They praised Ingard’s sharp eye for chicanery. We decided that he was exaggerating, making a loan of cows sound like a gift.

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Orlevings.

Thanes from an Elmal clan came to complain that our thanes disrupted their holy ceremonies and lobbed dirt clods at their temple. We offered them compensation. “We expected little from you blowhard cottar-kin,” said the lead thane. “You offer even less than we expected.” They cursed us and left quickly while the ring restrained our hotheads from violating the guesting ritual.

The Pharaoh’s sorcerers came to us looking for the Squat Oak clan. We asked them why they sought the Squat Oaks. “It is none of your affair, barbarian trash,” their leader replied. “Consider yourself lucky that it is not you that we seek.” “We have heard of no Squat Oaks,” we said. They threatened us with their sorcerous implements. We attacked them. With their strange implements, they slew some and wounded others. A stray mystic bolt thrown by one of the sorcerers destroyed Blacktail the Bull. We drove them off, but at great cost.

Spirit-talkers showed up and asked if we needed anything from them. We asked them for protection from the undead.

We had to change our minds when we learned how high their price was. We asked them to sell us Spirit Fetches. We changed our minds when we learned how high the price was. We did not want anything from them, but gave them hospitality. The old one told us we would be rewarded for our generosity.

We could no longer afford to maintain our shrine to Ernalda.

There were many swirling gusts of wind, but nobody was sure what this meant.

Kuschile spoke for the warriors when he said that they were stretched too thin, and that more fighters were needed. We sent Ingard on a mission to find the best warriors available.

We stole 27 cows from the Greydogs.

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Enhyli.

One of our carls, Orldag, was killed by the Greydog warriors Elusu and Renatha, who said they were avenging kinfolk. We sent warriors against the Greydogs. They killed both Elusu and Renatha and got away.

Hindala of the Oak Tree clan offered to sell horses at a dear price. We decided to buy only some of her expensive horses.

Our scouts found a strange clan of beast folk who were like ducks. Tempering mercy with shrewdness, we exacted payment from the ducks, whose larders were heavy.

Ingard returned from his recruiting mission with 11 new weaponthanes.

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Rangdani.

Orlundi warriors severely beat one of our carls, and hurt his wife. The clan ring encouraged Aski to sponsor poetic revenge. Aski gave fine gifts to a poet, so he would compose a satire ridiculing his attackers for their stupidity and viciousness. Soon, the poem was on everyone’s lips, and even the vengeance-takers’ kinfolk were laughing at them.

The ducks delivered their annual tribute of food.

Kentvent, thane of the Woodpecker clan, invited us to accompany him on a raid against the Telmori wolf-folk. We offered to make peace between the Woodpeckers and Telmori. His face hardened. “Peace is for ponds and stalks of wheat. We are men, and live for war.” We said to him, “We will go with you, but your clan will owe us a favor.” We sent Randalyar to lead our war party against the Telmori. Together our clans laid waste to the Telmori encampment, slaying their warriors and driving their women and children deep into the woods.

The god-talkers said we needed to learn one of Odayla’s blessings.

Humakti warriors said we should give them permission to enter our tula and fight the undead. We granted it. They found spectres and ghouls everywhere, and put them to the sword. We knew that our lands were haunted, but had no idea just how much danger our people were in. We were overjoyed, and so gave them gifts. They thanked us in the name of their unyielding god.

The Horse Nomads raided us. We drove the Horse Nomads off, and their survivors left without plundering our tula.

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Orlevings.

The Greydogs raided us for 31 cows.

Rostalos was caught with trade goods that he did not buy through the clan ring. We stood him up before his fellows, and held him out as an example of disobedience towards chosen leaders.

Ingard led a caravan to trade with the Orlevings.

Acting as our emissary, Marlesta asked the Anzarni to make good on the obligation they owed us, and provide us with cattle. Marlesta asked for no more and no less than the usual amount. The Anzarni gave us the cattle without complaint.

Aslandar, a hunter of the Blue Spruce clan, asked permission to hunt a great white stag on our land. We said he could hunt it in cooperation with our own hunters. Together, they caught the stag. It was a magnificent beast indeed, and there was glory enough for both clans.

We were unable to conduct a raid against the Greydogs due to a winter storm.

We stole 24 cows from the Greydogs.

The spirits of our ancestors were peevish because we were stuck in our ways and not learning anything new.

Marlesta’s ability at bargaining was acknowledged to be of heroic level.

The Horse-Spawn raided us. We were driven from the battlefield and looted.

Marlesta could not persuade the Anzarni to create a new trading route.

A thane of the Red Fox clan sought to hire our Humakti warriors as mercenaries; they wanted us to hurt the elders of the Anmangarn clan. We told them that their offer of five cows for each Anmangarn leader wounded was insufficient. They increased their offer, and we agreed to strike at their Anmangarn foes. Randalyar led our mercenaries to triumph; we wounded 5 of the Anmangarn leaders. The Anmangarn clan blamed the Red Fox clan for seeking our mercenary services, and raided them in reprisal.

Minara could not persuade the Herani to create a new trading route.

Brandig began the Storm Tribe heroquest. Brandig was told by Ernalda to make a tribe, so that he could challenge the Emperor. But the Doubting Wheel rolled up and told Brandig not to make a tribe. He tried to catch the Doubting Wheel in a net. When he threw a net over it, the Doubting Wheel shrank down and became a tiny thing, small enough for Brandig to put in his purse. Brandig found Yinkin, who said he would join the tribe if Brandig could defeat the champions of the Plant Tribe. Brandig fought both of them. He tore off the many feet of Rustling Veins, which gave it sustenance. He blunted the many swords of Sharp Green, which gave it power. The Plant Tribe was defeated, and Yinkin said that his Cat Clan would join the Storm Tribe, provided it finds a way to remember its good laws. Brandig found the Knowing God trapped inside a great cube. He recited a poem no one had heard before. The poem caused the cube to crumble, and the Knowing God was freed. The Knowing God agreed to make the Marks On Bark Clan part of the Storm Tribe, so long as this new tribe had fierce warriors. Brandig found Vadrus, who had decided to fight Yinkin and his Cat Clan. He challenged Vadrus to a contest of strength. Vadrus accepted the challenge. They arm-wrestled, and Brandig won. “You have bested me, so I am obliged to do as you wish,” Vadrus said, “I will seek a foe other than Yinkin, and may even attend this confederation moot of yours — so long as that accursed cat is not among the chieftains there.” Brandig found more chieftains to bring their clans to the confederation moot, but when they got there, they fell to fighting, and blamed him for making contradictory promises. Ernalda brought him implements of tribal regalia. She brought the Chest of Torcs, with which he could gift the clan leaders. She brought the Hall of Understanding, where people would settle their differences by talking them out. She brought the Crown of Authority, which made people respect his sacral powers and pledge allegiance to him. Most of the clans agreed to make the tribe, but there were still some who were stubborn. Then warriors of the Night Tribe came and attacked the quarrelling clans. Brandig led the fight against the Night People. Everyone banded together to fight these hungry enemies. After they defeated the night warriors, they acclaimed Brandig as their king. Brandig returned to the land of mortals, his quest successful. After that day, whenever the names of great clans of Dragon Pass were mentioned, our clan was always one of the first named.

Jorator of the Red Fox clan came before us, bearing gifts and seeking an alliance. We agreed to ally with the Red Foxes.

Marlesta convinced the Badgers to create a new trading route.

The Trolls raided us. Ingard faced the worst of the fighting and saved many of our warriors from bad deaths. Afterwards several carls pledged themselves to follow wherever Ingard led them, into any danger or test. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

The Horse-Spawn raided us. A group of Horse-Spawn circled behind us and burned part of our defenses. We drove the Horse-Spawn from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

Acting as our emissary, Minara sought an alliance with the Anmangarni. Minara said to them, “It would be generous of you to help us in a time of need.” Their chief, Jarstakos, agreed that our two clans should be allies. “Generosity is the prerogative of chiefs and kings,” Jarstakos said, “and I am glad to extend to you our bounty and protection.”

The god-talkers heard whispers in a strange language, but could not make out the meaning.

Brandig’s leadership talent was acknowledged to be of heroic level.

Explorers found Humakt’s Raven Banner. We gave it to the Eagles.

One of the young women in the clan, Garneneva, said she hears a rock speaking only to her and took to making offerings. Her mother said this was not the first such claim. We pressed Garneneva’s mother, who gave more details about her odd behavior. We performed a divination, which indicated neither the rock nor Garneneva were anything special. We sacrificed to Chalana Arroy, who restored Garneneva.

The weaponthanes complained that they had not raided in years.

We raided the Jerendings. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, and were able to plunder their tula.

We were raided by the Jerendings. We were driven from the battlefield and looted.

One of our women was found dead, with a savage wolf-bite on her throat. We tracked the wolf to a small camp nearby, where two small children were dressed in skins and walked on all fours. When we killed the wolf, they burst into tears. We brought the children home, but they were sullen and unresponsive, and disappeared on the night of the next full moon.

Einarth Milk-Eyes came to us with a prophecy. It seemed to mean that we should start a tribe. We took his words to heart, and decided it was time to assemble a tribe.

Gordangar came to ask us for a gift of luck and divine favor, reminding us that we owed his clan, the Bayberries, a favor. We gave more than the customary amount. Gordangar said that the Hendarti were good friends, and that his people would not forget this.

We conducted a divination to pick a name for our tribe, which suggested we call ourselves the Maboder. We met to decide which clans should get invitations to join our tribe.

We asked the prosperous Clan Orleving to join our new tribe. We told them that they would be asked to help others, but that it would be better than being raided all the time. They said that our logic was galling, yet also inescapable. We offered them seats on the tribal council. They said that we had not convinced them that influence was worth much if it meant giving up cows. They did continue to listen to us, however. We told them that the other clans would supply warriors to protect their herds. They acknowledged that there was strength in numbers. We told them that participation in the tribe would seal their place in history. They said that you can’t eat history. We gifted them. They were unwilling to be in our debt, and gave reciprocal gifts of equal value. We abandoned negotiations with the Orlevings.

When asked to join our new tribe, the aggressive traders of Clan Greydog had many demands. We demanded that the king get a share of the proceeds from Greydog trade. They agreed to our terms. We agreed that they should always occupy the Issaries seat on the tribal council. We agreed to make an oath against bandits part of the rites of kingship. We agreed that each clan should send guards for Greydog trade missions. The number of guards we suggested appeared to be acceptable to them. The Greydogs said that they would come to a confederation moot.

We gave gifts to the Greydogs so that we could cross their tula. We raided the Jerendings and eluded their patrols. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

The Orlundi clan had its tribe-making demands all written out before our emissaries even got there. We agreed that they should sit in the Lhankor Mhy seat of the tribal council. They said they would take our offer under advisement. We agreed that all kings of our future tribe would have to know how to read. We made them agree to make a large map, incorporating the exploration of all the clans of the tribe. The Orlundi said that they would come to a confederation moot.

The gods blessed our clan with extra magic this year.

When our emissaries went to the Anzarni to speak of a new tribe, their earth priestess had much to ask of us. We agreed that the other clans of the new tribe should help fortify the temple. We told her that the other clans of the tribe would expect something from the Anzarni, and suggested that they teach us their secret myths. They agreed to tell the tribe secrets of Ernalda and Uralda. We promised them the Ernalda and Asrelia seats on the tribal ring. The Anzarni said that they would come to a confederation moot.

While plowing the fields, the carls found something strange. It was the enormous skull of some kind of dragon creature. We traded it away. It fetched a good price from someone who valued curiosities more than silver.

Urasandra told us about a troll caravan slowly approaching from the north. We decided to raid them. Our raiders slashed through the caravan of giant bugs, gaining much good loot.

Clan Tree Brother, on whose tula is found the War Rock, negotiated the terms under which they might join the new tribe. We demanded that the rock spirit and its shamans pledge loyalty to the new tribe and its kings. Although reluctant at first, they finally agreed to this demand. We promised them better respect for shamans. Although we did not give them everything they wanted, they still seemed satisfied with the conditions of respect we proposed. We offered them less than they had asked, but still convinced them that our offer was a good one. We argued over the sacrifices that each clan should give to the spirit of the War Rock. They accepted the sacrifices we suggested. The Tree Brothers said that they would come to a confederation moot.

The confederation moot started badly. Many of the clans were offended by the concessions granted to others. We spoke eloquently in praise of the agreement. We made progress. Soon there were only minor objections to the terms we negotiated. The confederation moot was a success. We became a tribe, the Maboder.

The clans of the new tribe gathered to choose a king. We nominated Brandig to take the throne. Despite Brandig’s words, Yorsar of the Orlundi was chosen to be king.

The time came for Yorsar to undergo the rites of kingship. We decided to lend our magic to aid Yorsar in his rites. Yorsar completed the rites of kingship. The celebration lasted for days.

Urenstand won a bet with the Oak Tree chieftain, and won much grain. We gave them hospitality. They seemed pleased that we honored them in this way. Urenstand asked them if they wanted to gamble some more, but they declined.

Kallai, a warrior of the Jerendings, wished to marry Vordessa, daughter of the chief. Garrath, the Jerending Lawspeaker, came to help plead his case. He offered to end the feud between our clans if we agreed to the marriage. We required him to prove his worthiness. He did so, and Vordessa was married into the Jerendings. The marriage ended the hostilities between our two clans. The best poets on both sides toasted the other’s clan at the wedding feast.

Endal and his family came from distant Esrolia, to ask for membership in our clan. We adopted them as tenders of sheep.

Uralda cultists offered to perform a ritual to benefit our herds. We accepted their offer, and said we owed them a favor. They thanked us, and said that the Orlevings, which many of them belonged to, would one day take us up on that favor. They gathered up our cows and then walked around them seven times, whisking them with the Holy Tail. After performing a lowing dance, they pronounced the ritual complete. They departed, to the cheers and good wishes of the carls.

Our explorers met foreign warriors who rode on monsters shaped like horses. We warned other clans about them. They thanked us for the warning.

We were able to attract 4 new carls to the clan. They brought with them 9 children.

The Jerendings raided us. A berserker rampaged through our lines, killing Varsens in single combat before wreaking more havoc. We were driven from the battlefield and looted.

Emissaries of the Bayberry clan sought our support in the Orlanth and Aroka heroquest. Many weeks later, news reached us of the disappointment at Orlanth’s holy place. The Bayberry’s Wind Lord was unable to complete the difficult quest, and the drought continued.

The god-talkers said we needed to learn one of Maran Gor’s blessings.

Humakti warriors sought our help in a war party against walking corpses. We sent warriors to fight alongside them. They said we were honorable, and then departed with our warriors in tow.

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Woodpeckers.

Someone stole some of our tribal regalia. We sent out a party to search for the stolen regalia. No other clans would send warriors to support the mission.

Jotisan, a thane of the Tree Brother clan, asked us for information about Sartark, chief of the Enhyli clan. He reminded us that we owed his people a favor. We endeavored to answer his questions. Jotisan asked us if Sartark was cautious or daring. We answered, “Sartark is very daring.” Jotisan departed, and thanked us for the information. Not long afterwards, he returned to our tula to withdraw his thanks. “The information you gave us was mistaken at best and deceitful at worst. Our relations with the Enhyli have been sorely tested, and it is your careless words which are to blame.”

Fantarl spoke for the warriors when he said that they were stretched too thin, and that more fighters were needed. We sent Minara on a mission to find the best warriors available.

Foul weather turned back our diplomatic mission to the Anzarni.

Foul weather turned back our diplomatic mission to the Anzarni.

The Trolls raided us. We drove the Trolls off, and their survivors left without plundering our tula.

Marlesta had a recurring dream of a strange god-talker driving an ox cart with a statue of Orlanth. The god-talkers hastily prepared a ritual, sacrificing an oxcart and all the accoutrements from the dream. The strange god-talker gave the Greeting, and Marlesta replied. The two then exchanged gifts.

Acting as our emissary, Marlesta sought an alliance with the Enhyli. Marlesta said to them, “It would be generous of you to help us in a time of need.” Their chief, Sartark, declined our offer. “Generosity is the prerogative of chiefs and kings,” Sartark said. “It can be extended on a whim — or withheld.”

Sora Goodseller arrived to tell us of three new tribes that had arisen in the wake of our new tribe. They were the Torkani tribe, the Culbrea tribe, and the Balmyr tribe. We conveyed the news to the other clans of the tribe. They decided that the best course of action was to wait.

Our expedition to find recover our stolen tribal regalia brought back 2 pieces.

We couldn’t perform Sacred Time rituals to help with diplomacy.

We were able to attract 4 new carls to the clan. They brought with them 5 children.

Drought struck our lands. The spectre of starvation hovered over us. We sought the help of other clans, and it was granted.

The Beaker Ducks refused our request for increased tribute, since they felt the food they sent us every harvest time was enough.

A large bear broke into one of the sheds used for women’s magic. The women attempted to purify their shed, but the ritual was not a great success.

Brandig began the Storm Tribe heroquest. Brandig was told by Ernalda to make a tribe, so that he could challenge the Emperor. But the Doubting Wheel rolled up and told Brandig not to make a tribe. He tried to catch the Doubting Wheel in a net. When he threw a net over it, the Doubting Wheel shrank down and became a tiny thing, small enough for Brandig to put in his purse. Brandig found Yinkin, who said he would join the tribe if Brandig could defeat the champions of the Plant Tribe. Brandig fought both of them. He tore off the many feet of Rustling Veins, which gave it sustenance. He blunted the many swords of Sharp Green, which gave it power. The Plant Tribe was defeated, and Yinkin said that his Cat Clan would join the Storm Tribe, provided it finds a way to remember its good laws. Brandig found the Knowing God trapped inside a great cube. He recited a poem no one had heard before. The poem caused the cube to crumble, and the Knowing God was freed. The Knowing God agreed to make the Marks On Bark Clan part of the Storm Tribe, so long as this new tribe had fierce warriors. Brandig found Vadrus, who had decided to fight Yinkin and his Cat Clan. He challenged Vadrus to a contest of strength. Vadrus accepted the challenge. They arm-wrestled, and Brandig won. “You have bested me, so I am obliged to do as you wish,” Vadrus said, “I will seek a foe other than Yinkin, and may even attend this confederation moot of yours — so long as that accursed cat is not among the chieftains there.” Brandig found more chieftains to bring their clans to the confederation moot, but when they got there, they fell to fighting, and blamed him for making contradictory promises. Ernalda brought him implements of tribal regalia. She brought the Chest of Torcs, with which he could gift the clan leaders. She brought the Hall of Understanding, where people would settle their differences by talking them out. She brought the Crown of Authority, which made people respect his sacral powers and pledge allegiance to him. Most of the clans agreed to make the tribe, but there were still some who were stubborn. Then warriors of the Night Tribe came and attacked the quarrelling clans. Brandig led the fight against the Night People. Everyone banded together to fight these hungry enemies. After they defeated the night warriors, they acclaimed Brandig as their king. Brandig returned to the land of mortals, his quest successful. Brandig had splendid items from the god’s realm to add to our tribal regalia, just like the items Ernalda gave to Orlanth when he made the Storm Tribe.

A priestess of Maran Gor came to us, and hinted that she might have a gift of some sort to give us. With exquisite and prudent politeness, we declined her gracious offer.

A couple from another clan offered to sell us the Winking Sapphire. We said that the treasure was obviously stolen, and that they should tell us who they had taken it from, or suffer harm. They admitted that they’d taken it from a bandit, who in turn had taken it from the Eagles. We took the treasure from them. They were in no position to resist. We returned it to the Eagles. They thanked us for returning a part of their clan regalia, and promised that they would be ready when we needed their help.

Minara returned from her recruiting mission with 11 new weaponthanes.

Our explorers found spirits at Mount Kero Fin, who claimed kinship with Orlanth. Helganna the Knowing said we should sacrifice to them. We did not pursue the matter.

We were unable to conduct a raid against the Jerendings due to a winter storm.

Urenstand had a recurring dream of warriors from the sky who defended a hill on our tula. The god-talkers hastily prepared a ritual to summon a great wind from Orlanth, to drive off the warriors. Urenstand dreamed that the warriors were blown far away, and landed on another tula. He was not troubled by those dreams again.

We were raided by the Trolls. Brenna followed the cries of our warriors to the worst fighting. She fought well until She died. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

The god-talkers predicted many piglets would be born this year.

Our expedition to Mount Kero Fin returned. Randalyar had a wondrous tale to tell. He and the others were exploring the snowy reaches of Orlanth’s mother, when they found themselves swept away to participate in an ancient battle, fighting against the forces of Lokamayadon, the traitorous priest who sought to eclipse Orlanth. Randalyar and the others fought against armored foes who fought in tight formation. Despite the confusing circumstances and difficult odds, our explorers fought well. Another great gust blew them back to Kero Fin, where wind spirits rewarded us. For a moment, they let us see the world from the top of Mount Kero Fin; they said we should look for a place we wanted to explore. They said that this view would give us a great advantage the next time we went wandering.

We raided the Jerendings and eluded their patrols. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, and were able to plunder their tula.

Ernaldinni’s uncle found out that she was sneaking off into the forest to speak with a spirit. We sacrificed to the spirit. Our god-talkers saw many good omens after the sacrifice was made.

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Orlevings.

We spotted a cattle raid by the Greydogs. We were driven from the battlefield and looted.

Marlesta led a caravan to trade with the Eagles.

The Greydogs said that they would never pay tribute to a tribe-mate.

Three Storm Bulls came, got drunk, and wrecked things. We told them that broos were to be found in the Greydog clan’s woods. Quickly they sobered. Hastily they departed, bellowing vows to save the Greydogs from the clutches of Chaos.

We raided the Jerendings. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, and were able to plunder their tula.

We saw a rainbow; the people were cheered by this good omen. Because we were lucky, we decided to pursue trade opportunities.

All of the other clans in our tribe suffered bad harvests.

Iskalli, of the Anzarni clan, asked us to give him grain, because we were tribe-mates. They promised to owe us a favor. We gave him more than he wanted. Iskalli praised our generosity, and said that all the clans of Dragon Pass would hear of it.

We were raided by the Jerendings. Bastakos was separated from the rest of our warriors in the battle. The Jerendings were no match for Bastakos and fled from him. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

The god-talkers said we needed to learn one of Ernalda’s blessings.

Jenesta, daughter of the Blue Spruce clan chieftain, came to us seeking refuge from what she claimed was an unjust marriage. We returned her to her father. His clan was grateful for the respect we showed them, and gave us a fine silver torc as a token of their gratitude.

Brandig attempted the heroquest of Orlanth and Aroka. Brandig became as one with Orlanth. Ernalda told him that his nephew, Daga, was causing a drought and harming the people. Orlanth said that he would drive off or kill Daga. Brandig fought against Daga. He never returned, and the people assumed he had been killed on his heroquest.

The Horse-Spawn raided us. Randalyar crippled a Horse-Spawn battle leader, pinning him to his horse. We drove the Horse-Spawn off, and their survivors left without plundering our tula.

Our tribal king, Yorsar, died of shame, after a visit by ancestral spirits.

A moot was convened to choose a new king. Both Asborn and Olende were supported by many worthy sponsors. We were among the first to speak out for Olende. He showed us the full generosity of clan Orlundi. Our eloquence swayed the clans, and our candidate was chosen to rule.

Olende, of the Orlundi, got ready for the rites of kingship. We sacrificed to the gods so that Olende might perform well in the rite of kingship. Our priests said the gods were pleased with our sacrifice. Olende completed the rites of kingship. The celebration lasted for days.

Perandal and Enerin got divorced. Enerin made unreasonable claims on him for a settlement. Our lawspeaker argued that she was misusing the law. When Enerin realized that she was flouting the sacred laws of Orlanth out of mere spite, she retracted her demands, and settled for a reasonable dowry repayment.

A group of weaponthanes, led by Korlmhy, raided the Jerendings without first seeking permission from the ring. Our war leader gave Korlmhy unpleasant patrols for a season as punishment.

We were raided by the Jerendings. Although we held the field, we weren’t able to take any captives.

We were raided by the Trolls. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

Elmal cultists offered to perform a horse ritual for us. We accepted their offer, and gave them gifts. They thanked us for the gifts. They gathered up our horses and went into the stead. We heard banging noises and a muffled cry. Finally they came out, thanked us for helping them honor Elmal, and departed.

Minara could not persuade the Beaker Ducks to create a new trading route.

Our ancestors began the year in a good mood.

We were raided by the Horse-Spawn. We drove the Horse-Spawn off, and their survivors left without plundering our tula.

Hindala was accused of deliberately spreading disease. We conducted a divination. Our ancestral spirits said that she was deliberately spreading disease, and should be put to death. We outlawed her, then saw to it that one of our warriors ended her life. He hit her quickly, and she died without making a sound.

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Eagles.

Outlaws blocked our emissary to the Beaker Duck clan. Marlesta gave them part of what we were taking as gifts, and was able to continue.

A beautiful woman appeared in the woods. Some said that she ensnared our men. We carefully questioned the menfolk to see if any of them had been with her. Three men admitted to having been with the woman, who they say had “eyes that were impossible to resist.” We told them to use better judgment in the future.

The Trolls raided us. We were driven from the battlefield and looted.

Our expedition to Mount Kero Fin returned. Branbrig had a wondrous tale to tell. He and the others were exploring the snowy reaches of Orlanth’s mother, when they found themselves swept away to participate in an ancient battle, fighting against the forces of Lokamayadon, the traitorous priest who sought to eclipse Orlanth. Branbrig and the others fought against lancers who fought from horseback. Despite the confusing circumstances and difficult odds, our explorers fought well. Another great gust blew them back to Kero Fin, where wind spirits rewarded us. We gained a shrine to Kero Fin, mother of Orlanth. The spirits said that she would shelter us during winter and could protect our children if we sacrificed to her.

Hendrick died of a terrible curse when plants sprouted from his body. We told everyone who had contact with the woman of the woods to come forward. 2 men admitted that they had been with the woman, and that they knew Hendrick had been with her, too. We sacrificed to Ernalda for help. 3 carls died. One of them was married; so we knew that he had committed adultery with the mysterious woman of the woods.

A herd of cattle was infested by broos, and had to be destroyed. We sought to unite the clans to fight the broos. We spread the risk among many, and the glory of victory as well.

Penterest came back from the mountains and told us that he had found the lair of a wyrm. We sent a party to kill the wyrm and take the treasure. Our heroic warriors slew the wyrm, though some were slain, and others were wounded. We gained a great pile of treasure, and celebrated our newfound wealth.

We spotted a cattle raid by the Greydogs. Although we held the field, we weren’t able to take any captives.

The god-talkers said that Orlanth wanted us to make a pilgrimage to Mount Kero Fin.

The Uroxi warrior Rangor the Noisy tried to kill Orendal’s cattle, claiming they were broo-infested. Not knowing Rangor well, we tried to determine if his judgment could be trusted. We decided that Rangor was wise and judicious, as Uroxi go. Thus convinced, we destroyed the herd.

Our cattle raid against the Greydogs was spotted. We drove the Greydogs from the battlefield, and were able to plunder their tula.

Explorers found the warrior Alarandra, who fled from the injustice of the Pharaoh, and said we should give her asylum. We adopted her as a weaponthane. The people were glad to welcome a foe of the Pharaoh.

We stole 26 cows from the Badgers.

We were raided by the Tusk Riders. We were driven from the battlefield and looted. Alarandra distinguished herself in the fighting.

Spirit-talkers showed up and asked if we needed anything from them. We asked them to sell us Spirit Fetches. We added the Spirit Fetches to our treasures.

Our tribe was beset by bandits. We lobbied the king to act decisively against the bandits. He said he would make war on them. The bandits were soundly defeated. Those we did not slay on the spot fled like rippling squirrels, and were not seen again.

The Trolls raided us. Farnan ran to where our warriors needed the most help. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

Hospitality was nearly broken when Jonrik, member of a delegation of Badgers, made remarks about Leika, the sister of our weaponthane Karendra. We asked the Badgers to return once tempers had cooled.

Explorers met a bark-clad shaman, who made dire predictions, and said we should sacrifice to Kolat, the spirit-herding god. We sacrificed five horses to Kolat. The god-talkers could not say whether Kolat had received our sacrifice, because Orlanth’s brother is not one of the gods we usually worship, and they did not know which signs to look for.

We were raided by the Jerendings. Enjossi was separated from the rest of our warriors in the battle. The Jerendings were no match for Enjossi and fled from him. We were driven from the battlefield and looted.

We spotted a cattle raid by the Greydogs. We exchanged missile fire with them, but never closed.

The god-talkers said any children born this year would have great destinies.

Bandits blocked our emissary to the Anmangarn clan. Marlesta and her forces killed and scattered them.

Acting as our emissary, Marlesta sought information from the Anmangarni. Marlesta asked, “Who should we fear, among the clans in Dragon Pass?” Jarstakos, chief of the Anmangarni, told Marlesta that his traders had overheard thanes of the Greydog clan seeking the aid of others in launching a raid against us.

Minara’s ability at bargaining was acknowledged to be of heroic level.

Acting as our emissary, Marlesta sought a gift of magic from the Orlundi, who owed us a favor. She asked for the usual amount, no less and no more. They said that they had taxed their magic to the limit, and that they were for the moment unable to do anything for us. They gave us a small gift as a token of their regret.

An outlaw woman brought us a baby she had raised in a shield. She told us that the babe, Kallyr, would one day be a mighty warrior. We did as the woman asked, and took the girl in.

Acting as our emissary, Marlesta sought a gift of magic from the Eagles, who owed us a favor. She asked for a token amount only. They granted Marlesta’s request and praised our generosity, because we could have asked for much more from them, in discharge of the obligation they owed to us.

We sent Marlesta with gifts to the Greydogs.

Eonislara took ill, because someone had woven Chaos runes into her skirt. We sacrificed to Chalana Arroy.

Acting as our emissary, Marlesta demanded tribute from the Badgers. She said, “I don’t need to tell you what will happen if you fail to meet our demands.” Their chief, Elgane, agreed to give us what Marlesta asked for. “We speak the same language, you and I,” said Elgane. Having gotten their agreement to pay tribute, we told them that this would now be an annual payment. Elgane offered us a smaller amount, saying that was all they could afford. We agreed to this. We swore to Humakt and to Ernalda to refrain from raiding the Badgers for as long as they continued to pay tribute. Of course these oaths were binding on them as well.

We caught Orldag of the Bayberry clan sneaking into one of our steads. We killed him. The Bayberry lawspeaker came to demand wergild. We paid the wergild.

After many weeks at death’s door, Eonislara recovered from the illness caused by the hexed skirt.

Baranwolf came to ask us for a gift of luck and divine favor, saying that his clan, the Greydogs, would owe us a favor. He said that as tribe-mates, we should extend them a favor now in exchange for one in the future. We offered him gifts instead. Baranwolf would have preferred a gift of magic, but he was willing to accept our gifts and owe us a favor for them.

The god-talkers forecasted that the pigs would give birth to small and sickly litters.

Baranwolf and his family came from distant Esrolia, to ask for membership in our clan. We accepted them, and on that day they became Hendart.

The Issaries trader Enent came to our clan and asked if we wished to buy a treasure known as the Mist Paper. Sadly, our price was not good enough for her, and she went on her way.

We were raided by the Tusk Riders. Although we held the field, we weren’t able to take any captives.

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Beaker Ducks.

Mordrim the Stout came to trade for the Grey Net. We accepted, but demanded a favor in the future.

Foul weather turned back our trading caravan bound for the Woodpecker clan.

We were raided by the Trolls. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

Three great Orlanthi wind lords came to bring us the joy of Orlanth. They asked for help in a task they would not speak of. We gave them warriors.

Our expedition to Mount Kero Fin returned. Penterest and the others wandered for many days upon the slopes of the mother goddess, for a strange confusion had descended upon them, robbing them of all awareness of the passage of time. They saw peculiar things, which they will not speak of. Penterest assured us that, although there was much strangeness in his tale, it was a good strangeness, and we were not to be concerned.

The Badgers raided us. We drove the Badgers off, and were happy to have survived the battle.

Acting as our emissary, Marlesta asked the Orlevings to make good on the obligation they owed us, and provide us with cattle. Marlesta asked for a half again as many cows as custom demanded. Heorl, chief of the Orleving clan, agreed to give us the additional cattle. Many of his carls seemed sorely affronted by our request.

The Jerendings raided us. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

Enent, a trader of the Jerending clan, warned us to be wary of another trader, Orendal of the Greydog clan. We closely questioned Enent, to determine if she was telling the truth. We decided that she was. We promised to be wary of Orendal.

The god-talkers said any children born this year would have great destinies.

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Orlevings.

Acting as our emissary, Tonalang sought information from the White Horses. “Do you know any secret stories of the gods?” he asked. Their chief, Garnath, instructed his god-talkers to tell us the story of Issaries the Conciliator. They told us details of the story we had not known before. Our god-talkers were pleased; this information would help us whenever we quested to the realm of the gods.

A thane from the Enhyli clan offered to recount “Ruthakran and His Chicken Bride.” Sadly, Endal could not do the tale justice.

The Anzarni sought our help when elves demanded the right to worship at their shrine to Flamal. We told the Anzarni they should allow the elves limited use of their temple. The Anzarni agreed to consider this, if we could convince the elves to limit their use of the temple. We approached the elves, and told them that they were not entitled to take over a temple they had not built. We urged them to agree to our proposal. The elves agreed to limit their use of the temple, and both sides of the dispute said they were satisfied with its resolution.

Randan Korlmarson walked past a great rock in the back pastures of our tula. One day it spoke to him. It claimed to be named Tarard Riel, and to be the guardian spirit of the local hills. We made offerings to show our friendship to the spirit. Tarard Riel became our friend. It said it would entertain sacrifices in the future.

The Trolls raided us. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

Ducks came and demanded compensation for kinsmen they said we slew. We paid a thane’s wergild for each dead duck. The ducks pronounced themselves satisfied with our justice.

We were raided by the Jerendings. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

A delegation of Beastfolk came to us and warned us that Ironhoof would come back if we offended them further. We promised not to offend them further. They said we were saying the right words, but that only actions would ease their suspicions.

According to the omens, our wheat crop will wither before it can be harvested.

Orlgard, an emissary of the Eagle clan, came to ask our Storm Bull priests to bless his clan’s efforts to rid their tula of Chaos. We accepted his offer. The Storm Bull priests performed the cleansing ritual, and said that Urox had heard their pleas. The Cleansing Wind would scour the Eagle tula of Chaotic influence.

Our tribal king, Olende, died of shame, after a visit by ancestral spirits.

A moot was convened to choose a new king. Both Arnbord and Inganna were supported by many worthy sponsors. We were among the first to speak out for Inganna. She showed us the full generosity of clan Tree Brother. Arnbord was chosen to rule.

Arnbord, of the Orlundi, got ready for the rites of kingship. We celebrated with influential thanes of other clans. The thanes were impressed by our generosity. Arnbord completed the rites of kingship. The celebration lasted for days.

Harsaltar attempted the heroquest of Orlanth and Aroka. Harsaltar became as one with Orlanth. Ernalda told him that his nephew, Daga, was causing a drought and harming the people. Orlanth said that he would drive off or kill Daga. Harsaltar fought against Daga. Harsaltar took enough blows from Daga to complete the requirements of the myth, then fled. Harsaltar gathered weapons, then other enemies attacked him. Harsaltar slew trolls with his klanth, and took their weapon, the Darkwind. Gagarth buffeted Harsaltar with the awesome Wind From Above. He returned a punch that stunned Gagarth, and Harsaltar took the Wind From Above. Harsaltar failed to seduce the Dark Woman. The Dark Woman wounded Harsaltar in the center of his soul, driving him from the realm of the gods.

The Beaker Ducks were stealing our cattle. We demanded satisfaction from the ducks. Purefeather, the duck chieftain, agreed that we had been wronged, but said that the thieves were outlaws from his clan. Without admitting fault, he gave us a cow as “a token of friendship.”

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Orlevings.

We were raided by the Horse-Spawn. We exchanged missile fire with them, but never closed.

The warriors refused to raid the Jerendings during the harvest.

Marlesta led a caravan to trade with the Enhyli.

We were unable to conduct a raid against the Jerendings due to a winter storm.

The White Horses took some of our carls as thralls. We decided to recapture the carls in a raid.

Our cattle raid against the White Horses was spotted. We drove the White Horses from the field with a withering hail of stones and arrows. When the raiders returned without the captured carls, the people were discouraged.

The god-talkers said we would be blessed with many children this year.

Rakstanti warriors severely beat one of our carls, and hurt his wife. The clan ring encouraged Dangmet to sponsor poetic revenge. Dangmet gave fine gifts to a poet, so he would compose a satire ridiculing his attackers for their stupidity and viciousness. Soon, the poem was on everyone’s lips, and even the vengeance-takers’ kinfolk were laughing at them.

We had to turn back from our raid on the Marsh Ducks when the Jerendings refused to let us cross their tula.

We gave gifts to the Rangdani so that we could cross their tula. We raided the Jerendings. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

Jotisan, a farmer who was exiled many years ago for theft, returned and asked to rejoin the clan. We took him and his family back.

Orlgard spoke for the warriors when he said that they were stretched too thin, and that more fighters were needed. We kept our eyes open for qualified warriors. We took on a number of them.

We sent Marlesta with gifts to the Jerendings.

Our expedition to Mount Kero Fin returned. Enerin had a wondrous tale to tell. She and the others were exploring the snowy reaches of Orlanth’s mother, when they found themselves swept away to participate in an ancient battle, fighting against the forces of Lokamayadon, the traitorous priest who sought to eclipse Orlanth. Enerin and the others fought against fighters with fiery spears, whose magic pinned them to the ground. Despite the confusing circumstances and difficult odds, our explorers fought well. Another great gust blew them back to Kero Fin, where wind spirits rewarded us. For a moment, they let us see the world from the top of Mount Kero Fin; they said we should look for a place we wanted to explore. They said that this view would give us a great advantage the next time we went wandering.

A lone wanderer arrived, full of crazy tales. We sacrificed to Chalana Arroy to drive out the bad spirits, and succeeded. He returned home, lucid.

The Jerendings raided us. We exchanged missile fire with them, but never closed.

The god-talkers heard metal ringing in the distance, but could not tell if it was bells or swords.

The carls warned the clan ring that there were too many people, and they could not produce enough food for everyone. We chose to seize land from the neighboring White Horse clan.

We raided the White Horses. The land spirits of the White Horse tula were so hostile to our warriors that we decided to withdraw. We beat them, but they were determined foes and refused to leave their land.

Ordag led a delegation of carls to complain that we were too war-like, and that the crops were suffering as a result. We promised to reduce the number of raids.

We found Badger hunters poaching deep within our territory. We drove them off, warning them never to trespass again.

The warriors warned the clan ring that many of the great and ancient families of the clan were not getting their due representation in the clan hall. We sought volunteers to split off. Most were reluctant to step forward, but everyone knew that a split in the clan was necessary for survival. Eventually a quarter of our families stepped forward. We split off our own tula, giving them some of our land. They chose to call themselves the Orladnasti, and said that they would be good neighbors to us.

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Beaker Ducks.

While exploring our tula, we turned up a cave with green-colored clay that we can use for making high-quality pottery.

Thanes from the White Horse clan came to ask our Lhankor Mhy priests to magically translate an old scroll they had found. We accepted their offer. Our priests performed the necessary ritual, and discovered that the scroll contained a dwarven work schedule.

Our tribe was beset by bandits. We lobbied the king to act decisively against the bandits. He said he would make war on them. The bandits were soundly defeated. Those we did not slay on the spot fled like rippling squirrels, and were not seen again.

The Trolls raided us. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

Korlmhy said he had been given poor hospitality among the Herani, and that they were deliberately slighting us. We sent a delegation to protest the Herani’s poor hospitality. They apologized for insulting Korlmhy, and gave us gifts to show their sincerity.

We spotted a cattle raid by the Greydogs. We drove the Greydogs from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

We were unable to perform any combat rituals during Sacred Time.

Tonalang attempted the heroquest of Orlanth and Aroka. Tonalang became as one with Orlanth. Ernalda told him that his nephew, Daga, was causing a drought and harming the people. Orlanth said that he would drive off or kill Daga. Tonalang fought against Daga. Tonalang took enough blows from Daga to complete the requirements of the myth, then fled. Tonalang gathered weapons, then other enemies attacked him. Tonalang slew trolls with his klanth, and took their weapon, the Darkwind. Gagarth buffeted Tonalang with the awesome Wind From Above. He returned a punch that stunned Gagarth, and Tonalang took the Wind From Above. Tonalang failed to seduce the Dark Woman. Tonalang blinded the Dark Woman by spitting Widebrew at her. Tonalang found another heroquester, who proposed to take the role of Orlanth’s brother Urox, saying it was his right. He told the Storm Bull to follow him. When Tonalang arrived to fight Aroka, he saw many Chaos creatures swarming towards him. The Storm Bull told him to go fight Aroka, leaving the Chaos creatures to him. And that is what Tonalang did. At last Tonalang found the lair of Aroka, and fought the dragon. Aroka tried to destroy Orlanth. The storm god released the Four Winds, blinding the dragon’s eyes. He released the Upper Wind, which dried out the enemy’s tongues. He captured Aroka’s breath inside the magical Sack of Winds and threw it away. Then Orlanth seized its jaws and tore the dragon asunder. Tonalang successfully completed the heroquest, and was cheered by all. Our finest warriors became finer still.

Yinkin cultists came and asked for our help in a heroquest to fight the god of wolves, Telmor. Penterest agreed to play the role of Orlanth, and left with the Yinkini.

The Yinkin heroquest was a failure. Penterest was seriously wounded when the Serpentbeast Brotherhood attacked.

Acting as our emissary, Marlesta asked the Red Foxes to make good on the obligation they owed us, and provide us with food. Marlesta asked for a bit more food than custom demanded. They said that they could not spare the food, for their fortunes were bad. They asked Marlesta to come back some other year.

Uralda cultists complained that we were neglecting the Cow Mother’s worship. We asked them to conduct a ceremony, and held a joyful feast in their honor.

Acting as our emissary, Minara asked the Rakstanti to make good on the obligation they owed us, and provide us with food. Minara asked for no more and no less than the usual amount. The Rakstanti provided us with the food without complaint.

Kenstrel, of the Greydog clan, asked us to give him cattle, and promised that his clan would owe us a favor. We did as he asked.

Foul weather turned back our diplomatic mission to the Greydogs.

Humakti warriors sought our help in a war party against walking corpses. We sent warriors to fight alongside them. They said we were honorable, and then departed with our warriors in tow.

Bandits blocked our emissary to the Badger clan. Marlesta attacked, but was wounded and had to return home.

The Jerendings raided us. Our forces eagerly followed the Burning Standard into battle. We were driven from the battlefield and looted. Luckily, the Burning Standard wasn’t consumed by the flames.

We were raided by the Trolls. Our forces eagerly followed the Burning Standard into battle. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled. The Burning Standard was completely consumed by the flames.

Our cows were expected to give abundant milk.

We saw a rainbow; the people were cheered by this good omen. Because we were lucky, we decided to pursue trade opportunities.

Minara could not persuade the Eagles to create a new trading route.

Oranda led a caravan to trade with the Orlevings.

An aspiring poet from the Greydog clan, Varsens, would not stop telling a long, boring poem. Sarotar roused the sleepy audience to cheer him as if the poem were done, but it only encouraged him to start a new epic. Minara tried to thank him, but Varsens took offense at the interruption. The Greydogs didn’t seem to mind, however.

An earthshaker came onto our lands and destroyed a stead. We used magic to drive it off. It paid no attention to our spells. We sent warriors to herd it away. Their cries and their clattering of swords on shields startled the creature, which ran across the tula, smashed into another stead, and then settled down again to graze on a nearby patch of weeds. We gave it hay to eat. It ate a large amount of hay, and then wandered off.

A two-headed calf was born; the people saw it as an ill omen. We sent for Uroxi warriors to scour our lands of Chaos. Uroxi came and said they would scour our lands of Chaos for the low price of 10 cows. We accepted the arrangement. They tramped around our tula for several days, and then came back and told us that we were stupid, and that there was no Chaos around. They said we could take heart, because they were keeping the cows they gave them, which would be used in the fight against Chaos.

Explorers from our clan found the body of a dragonewt warrior lying in a stream bed. We decided to make magical armor from its hide. The dragonewt corpse was too difficult to skin, and we ruined it so that it could not be made into armor.

We spotted a cattle raid by the Greydogs. We drove the Greydogs off, and their survivors left without plundering our tula.

The Trolls raided us. We were driven from the battlefield and looted.

The leaves of the oak trees fell off early, but nobody agreed what this signified.

Penterest was acclaimed a god-talker among god-talkers.

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Orlevings.

Tusk Riders broke into a stead and took some stored food. We decided to offer payment if they would attack another clan. Farnan found the Tusk Riders, and parleyed with them. They agreed to attack the Jerendings in return for our payment. Later, we heard that they had done so, burning several steads and trampling some fields. We also heard that they told the Jerendings who had sent them.

Marlesta led a caravan to trade with the Beaker Ducks.

Our cattle raid against the Orladnasti was spotted. We were driven off and had no opportunity to obtain booty.

Minara led a caravan to trade with the Bayberries.

A thane of the White Horse clan sought to hire our Humakti warriors as mercenaries; they wanted us to hurt the elders of the Fire Quartz clan. We refused them, then sent a message of warning to the Fire Quartz. The elders of the Fire Quartz clan were grateful for the warning, and gave us gifts. “Always remember that the Fire Quartz clan expresses its thanks in a practical way,” they said. Then they launched a raid of reprisal against the White Horse clan. Enjossi said that the White Horses would surely realize that it was we who had prompted the raid, and would regard us as betrayers.

Spirit-talkers showed up and asked if we needed anything from them. We asked them to sell us Spirit Fetches. We added the Spirit Fetch to our treasures.

The omens said our crafters would be plagued with misfortune this year.

Sartar sought the support of the ring in a boundary dispute with his neighbor, Mosdorl of clan Tree Brother. We told Mosdorl and Sartar to arm-wrestle for the disputed land. They did so. After an epic day of matches and rematches, the two became inseparable friends, and ended their dispute.

Arnbord, king of our tribe, resigned the crown.

A moot was convened to choose a new king. Both Inganna and Asborn were supported by many worthy sponsors. We nominated Harsaltar to take the throne. Harsaltar spoke well, and was chosen to rule the Maboder tribe.

Harsaltar got ready for the rites of kingship. We sacrificed to the gods so that Harsaltar might perform well in the rite of kingship. Our priests said the gods were pleased with our sacrifice. Harsaltar completed the rites of kingship. The celebration lasted for days.

Harsaltar began the Storm Tribe heroquest. Harsaltar was told by Ernalda to make a tribe, so that he could challenge the Emperor. But the Doubting Wheel rolled up and told Harsaltar not to make a tribe. He tried to catch the Doubting Wheel in a net. When he threw a net over it, the Doubting Wheel shrank down and became a tiny thing, small enough for Harsaltar to put in his purse. Harsaltar found Yinkin, who said he would join the tribe if Harsaltar could defeat the champions of the Plant Tribe. Harsaltar fought both of them. He tore off the many feet of Rustling Veins, which gave it sustenance. He blunted the many swords of Sharp Green, which gave it power. The Plant Tribe was defeated, and Yinkin said that his Cat Clan would join the Storm Tribe, provided it finds a way to remember its good laws. Harsaltar found the Knowing God trapped inside a great cube. He recited a poem no one had heard before. The poem caused the cube to crumble, and the Knowing God was freed. The Knowing God agreed to make the Marks On Bark Clan part of the Storm Tribe, so long as this new tribe had fierce warriors. Harsaltar found Vadrus, who had decided to fight Yinkin and his Cat Clan. He challenged Vadrus to a contest of strength. Vadrus accepted the challenge. They arm-wrestled, and Harsaltar won. “You have bested me, so I am obliged to do as you wish,” Vadrus said, “I will seek a foe other than Yinkin, and may even attend this confederation moot of yours — so long as that accursed cat is not among the chieftains there.” Harsaltar found more chieftains to bring their clans to the confederation moot, but when they got there, they fell to fighting, and blamed him for making contradictory promises. Ernalda brought him implements of tribal regalia. She brought the Chest of Torcs, with which he could gift the clan leaders. She brought the Hall of Understanding, where people would settle their differences by talking them out. She brought the Crown of Authority, which made people respect his sacral powers and pledge allegiance to him. Most of the clans agreed to make the tribe, but there were still some who were stubborn. Then warriors of the Night Tribe came and attacked the quarrelling clans. Harsaltar led the fight against the Night People. Everyone banded together to fight these hungry enemies. After they defeated the night warriors, they acclaimed Harsaltar as their king. Harsaltar returned to the land of mortals, his quest successful. Our wise people got wiser, and everyone knew that we had the favor of Orlanth, and that our words should therefore be heeded.

Marlesta led a caravan to trade with the Bayberries.

Our cattle raid against the Rangdani was spotted. We drove the Rangdani from the battlefield, and were able to plunder their tula.

Hofstaring of the Rangdani clan offered us gifts. We threw a feast for thanes of Hofstaring’s clan. They toasted our generosity, and said they would speak of it to others. Our people made merry, and also toasted the clan ring.

While clearing a patch of forest, Hendrick was injured by an unseen archer. To find who had done this, we performed an augury. We saw patterns in the entrails. First, a seed. Then, a stalk. Then, a man. Then, a man with an arrow. This meant the attacker was one of the plant people called Aldryami, or elves. We thought there might be a curse on Hendrick, and tried to lift it. After the spell was cast, we saw no further signs of a curse.

We were raided by the Trolls. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

The prophet Einarth Milk-Eyes came to us with a great golden armband, which he said would be our ten-year ring. He told us to perform heroquests, stay in command, and prosper. We held a feast to consecrate the ten-year ring. The people were happy, and the god-talkers said that our clan magic had been strengthened.

The family and neighbors of a quarrelsome couple brought them before the ring. The couple were brought before the clan to listen to Sarotar’s recitation of “The Badger and the Snake,” a tale that ridiculed pointless sparring and ends in disaster for all the animals in the forest. The couple were quiet as mice for a long time after.

Outlaws blocked our caravan to the Eagle clan. Marlesta and her forces killed and scattered them.

Marlesta convinced the Eagles to create a new trading route.

Issaries said that if we acquired more treasures in the next two years, he would reward us richly in years to come.

Oranda led a caravan to trade with the Grey Foxes.

A bold young warrior named Fistivos sought a duel with a champion of our clan. We told him that a duel was not a duel unless something truly valuable is wagered. We put up our treasure, Arroin’s Tear, against his bet of the Helm of Karse. Enjossi accepted his challenge. The two fought a ferocious battle that seemed to go on for hours. Finally, our champion struck a harder blow than intended as Fistivos turned the wrong way. Although we tried to heal the bold young fighter, it was too late, and he expired. We took the treasure we were owed, and sent the rest of his belongings back to his clan in Heortland. Our weaponthanes were pleased to see the Helm of Karse added to our clan treasures, though sad at the way it came to us.

Our cattle raid against the Greydogs was spotted. We drove the Greydogs from the battlefield, and were able to plunder their tula.

Bandits blocked our emissary to the Anzarni clan. Marlesta attacked, but was wounded and had to return home.

Derik of the Tree Brothers came seeking our help in a raid against the Rangdani. “The Rangdani storehouses are like a tantalizing fruit, ripe for the picking,” said Derik. We sent a full complement of warriors to aid them. Thanks to our aid, the Tree Brothers drove the Rangdani from the field. We were pleased with the loot we gained.

Varsens, of the Grey Fox clan, asked us to give him cattle, because we owed him a favor. We gave him more than he wanted. Varsens praised our generosity, and said that all of Dragon Pass would hear of it.

Odayla cultists offered to perform a ritual to make the hunting better in our area. We accepted their offer, and gave them gifts. They thanked us for the gifts and departed, telling us that we would know when the ritual had been completed when the forest filled with elk.

We were raided by the Jerendings. We exchanged missile fire with them, but never closed.

The god-talkers feared for our explorers.

Rostandos, one of our senior weaponthanes, collapsed in the clan market when confronted with the skull of a horse. A shaman had once told him that he would die the day he was shown the skull of a horse. We decided to trade for the skull that the trader Hindanna had brought to our clan market. “I will accept any other treasure in its stead,” said Hindanna. Hindanna accepted the treasure we offered, and we took possession of the horse skull. The moment we did so, Rostandos cried out and died. The people were mournful and frightened, but that night several of our god-talkers dreamt that the Horse Skull would one day enable one of us to become King of Dragon Pass, and that Rostandos’s spirit would then be feasted in the Halls of the Dead.

The Greydogs raided us for 27 cows.

We stole 31 cows from the Greydogs.

Our expedition to Mount Kero Fin returned. There Farnan encountered explorers of the Anmangarn clan, and was moved by the glory of Kero Fin to exchange promises of friendship and cooperation with them. They responded in kind.

An exploratory mission came home early to report that one of them had been taken by Tusk Riders, and could now be presumed dead. We sacrificed in Thadart’s honor.

We suffered a curse, and our children, both boys and girls, began to grow beards. We waited to see what would happen.

Acting as our emissary, Marlesta sought information from the Orlundi. Marlesta asked, “Who should we fear, among the clans in Dragon Pass?” Tarkalor, chief of the Orlundi, told Marlesta that his traders had overheard thanes of the Jerending clan seeking the aid of others in launching a raid against us.

The beards on the children fell out of their own accord.

The Trolls raided us. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

The Issaries priestess Sora Goodseller came to our clan and asked if we had any white horses to trade. We had no white horses. Embarrassed that we had no white horse, we gave her a feast instead.

A man with the face of a Tusk Rider came to our tula and claimed to be Thadart. He said his disfigurement was a grim joke of the Tusk Riders’ god. Our clan leaders sought to convince the people that he should be allowed to return. Marlesta’s eloquent words persuaded them that this was indeed Thadart returned, and not some terrible monster. The people welcomed him back, and there was much rejoicing.

Foul weather turned back our diplomatic mission to the Orladnasti.

Orstanor complained that his wife Ferena dishonored him by interrupting a duel with Jorator of the Anzarni. The clan ring encouraged Orstanor to duel Jorator again. They fought, but the duel was inconclusive. Both became winded before hurting the other. Eventually they decided that each man’s honor had been satisfied.

Marlesta led a caravan to trade with the Bayberries.

We were raided by the Jerendings. We were driven from the battlefield and looted.

The god-talkers identified no omens, and this troubled them.

Harsaltar attempted the heroquest of Orlanth and Aroka. Harsaltar became as one with Orlanth. Ernalda told him that his nephew, Daga, was causing a drought and harming the people. Orlanth said that he would drive off or kill Daga. Harsaltar fought against Daga. Harsaltar took enough blows from Daga to complete the requirements of the myth, then fled. Harsaltar gathered weapons, then other enemies attacked him. Gagarth buffeted Harsaltar with the awesome Wind From Above. Harsaltar returned a punch that stunned Gagarth, and Harsaltar took the Wind From Above. Harsaltar slew trolls with his klanth, and took their weapon, the Darkwind. Harsaltar seduced the Dark Woman by showing her the soles of his feet. Harsaltar found another heroquester, who proposed to take the role of Orlanth’s brother Urox, saying it was his right. He told the Storm Bull to follow him. When Harsaltar arrived to fight Aroka, he saw many Chaos creatures swarming towards him. The Storm Bull told him to go fight Aroka, leaving the Chaos creatures to him. And that is what Harsaltar did. At last Harsaltar found the lair of Aroka, and fought the dragon. Aroka tried to destroy Orlanth. The storm god released the Four Winds, blinding the dragon’s eyes. He released the Upper Wind, which dried out the enemy’s tongues. He captured Aroka’s breath inside the magical Sack of Winds and threw it away. Then Orlanth seized its jaws and tore the dragon asunder. Harsaltar successfully completed the heroquest, and was cheered by all. Harsaltar was strengthened, and appeared to be wiser as well.

The Orladnast chief accused the Tree Brother chief of luring weaponthanes away from his clan, and demanded compensation. King Harsaltar was called upon to adjudicate the case. We closely questioned both chieftains. Inganna said that Aski’s weaponthanes had left him because he treated them with disrespect, but Sarotar found her account unconvincing. We conducted a divination. The spirits of our ancestors said that Inganna had wrongly induced the weaponthanes to leave the Orladnast clan. Harsaltar told them to take the matter to a full moot. Both seemed displeased, for this would require them to compete in gift-giving to the other clans. At the moot, we received cows from both clans. The moot judged the Tree Brother chieftain blameless in the incident, and said that Aski had driven the weaponthanes away through his own foolishness.

Acting as our emissary, Marlesta sought an alliance with the Tree Brothers. Marlesta said to them, “It would be generous of you to help us in a time of need.” Their chief, Inganna, agreed that our two clans should be allies. “Generosity is the prerogative of chiefs and kings,” Inganna said, “and I am glad to extend to you our bounty and protection.”

Orstanor, a hunter of the Blue Spruce clan, asked permission to hunt a great white stag on our land. We said he could hunt it in cooperation with our own hunters. Together, they caught the stag. It was a magnificent beast indeed, and there was glory enough for both clans.

Marlesta led a caravan to trade with the Bayberries.

King Harsaltar was asked to resolve a dispute within the tribe. The Tree Brother clan complained that the Orladnasti were not sacrificing to their rock spirit. Harsaltar held private discussions between the two clans. He managed to get them to forget any complaints and work together in the future. They praised Harsaltar as a true king.

The harvest was plentiful.

The Trolls raided us. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

Priests of the Greydog clan accused tricksters of the Tree Brother of using trickster magic to direct a plague towards them. King Harsaltar was called upon to adjudicate the case. We closely questioned the priests and tricksters. Marlesta said that the priests were correct, and that the tricksters were clearly the cause of their misfortune. We conducted a divination. The spirits of our ancestors said that the Tree Brother tricksters were blameless. Harsaltar ruled in favor of the Tree Brother tricksters. The tricksters thanked us for our mercy, and gifted us with a broken flagon, which they said would bring us good luck.

Once again, we suffered the curse that caused our children to grow beards. We conducted a divination. The spirits of our ancestors said that the curse was laid by tricky shamans, who hoped we would then pay them to remove it. We told shamans to come to break the curse. When they arrived, we said that we knew they had laid the curse, and we attacked them. The shamans loosed terrible spirits who confused us and sickened our warriors. They escaped, warning us that many worse curses would soon befall us. Not long after, the children’s beards fell out of their own accord.

The omens indicated we should make a trip to a northwest kingdom.

Oranda’s ability at bargaining was acknowledged to be of heroic level.

Lhankpent, a thane of the Orladnast clan, asked us for the details of the “The Contests” story. We told him what he wanted to know. He thanked us and departed.

We were raided by the Jerendings. Enjossi had the chance to fight like a hero that day. With courage and cunning, he led our warriors against the enemy. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

We raided the Jerendings. Farnan saw Saronil fall in combat with enemy thanes and wanted revenge. He could not obtain vengeance. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, and were able to plunder their tula.

The Issaries trader Enent came to our clan and asked if we wished to buy a treasure known as the Mist Paper. Sadly, our price was not good enough for her, and she went on her way.

Kallyr, the girl raised in a shield, had become quite the young warrior. We sent her away to be trained under a famous holy warrior of Vinga.

The harvest was plentiful.

The ghosts of our dead warriors returned and told us that our actions shamed the clan. We scolded them for frightening their own people. They reacted with anger, and promised that they would soon be back, to take all of our luck and magic from us.

Oranda led a caravan to trade with the Fire Quartz.

We were raided by the Trolls. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

Brangbane, an emissary of the Bachad clan, came to ask our Storm Bull priests to bless his clan’s efforts to rid their tula of Chaos. We accepted his offer. The Storm Bull priests performed the cleansing ritual, but said that Urox had not smiled upon their efforts. They blamed Bachad thanes for not being vigilant enough against Chaos. “Urox helps the strong, not the weak,” they said. Brangbane was both affronted and disappointed. He said that his clan had wasted the cows they gave us.

Our god-talkers saw blood on a wall, and feared for the safety of our fighters.

Sarotar’s knowledge of our customs was acknowledged to be of heroic level.

Sarotar began the Lhankor Mhy Finds the Truth heroquest. Sarotar found himself in a strange and blasted place, where something was wrong with the wind. There were other Orlanthi there, dressed in an unfamiliar manner. He thought one of them must be Issaries. Sarotar said to Issaries, “I know you didn’t intend to sell the truth, so I will allow you to come along.” Issaries said, “I have my own reasons for going with you.” Then Sarotar saw a fearsome warrior who looked like Storm Bull. He said, “This way! There is Chaos to fight!” “Where?” said Urox, following along. Issaries took Sarotar and Storm Bull along a short cut. Along the way, Storm Bull had to fight many Chaos beasts. The worst was a gigantic Chaos thing, one whose name could only be pronounced by the dead. Sarotar let Storm Bull fight alone. Storm Bull defeated the Chaos creature, slaying it utterly. Issaries led the others through a short cut to the place where the truth might be found. They were challenged by foreigners who asked Sarotar to participate in a Meeting Contest. Sarotar tried to win one contest and lose another. The first was a pain contest, which the foreigner won. Sarotar then won the memorizing contest. The foreigners gifted Sarotar with magic and allowed the party to proceed. Issaries took Sarotar to the right place. But then he got distracted, showing more interest in an argument between mastodons and sabretooth tigers than in taking Sarotar to the god that bought the truth. Sarotar said, “Without the truth, there can be no reconciliation.” Issaries told him that his words were wise. Issaries took Sarotar to find Grandbread, the god who was going to pound the truth into meal and eat it. Sarotar challenged Grandbread to a game of questions. The game went on so long that Grandbread became hungry and tried to eat the truth in its sharp and twisted form, but the truth poked a hole in his stomach and fell back out of him again. “Why did you do that?” Sarotar asked. Grandbread couldn’t answer without looking foolish, and thus lost the contest. Sarotar tried to put the truth back into its pure form. Sarotar put a leather sheet over his head and thought. But nothing came to mind. Then Issaries came in and asked a foolish question. Sarotar answered his question. Issaries left. When Sarotar looked at the truth, it wasn’t twisted any more! Storm Bull got bored and wandered away; Issaries bade farewell to Sarotar. Sarotar returned to the land of people from his successful quest. Thereafter, we knew that we would be protected from Chaos.

A new clan came to Dragon Pass; they were called the Mule Deers. They sought permission to travel through our lands on their trek northwards. We granted it. They thanked us, and said they would remember the good turn we had done them.

Explorers met a bark-clad shaman, who made dire predictions, and said we should sacrifice to Kolat, the spirit-herding god. We sacrificed five horses to Kolat. The god-talkers could not say whether Kolat had received our sacrifice, because Orlanth’s brother is not one of the gods we usually worship, and they did not know which signs to look for.

Bandits blocked our caravan to the Badger clan. Marlesta attacked, but was wounded and had to return home.

The Herani raided us. We were driven from the battlefield and looted.

The Pharaoh’s sorcerers came to us looking for the Squat Oak clan. “We have heard of no Squat Oaks,” we said. Then one of them told the leader that we were telling the truth. They left without uttering another word.

Our warriors were stricken by a strange palsy. We conducted a divination. The god-talkers said that the malady was caused by the Jerendings, who had hired shamans to send bad spirits after us. We sacrificed to Chalana Arroy. The god-talkers said that the Healing Goddess had banished the bad spirits.

Rangoron, a weaponthane of our clan, wished to marry Ostlana of the Rakstanti clan. Ostlana’s clan demanded that Rangoron steal the famous magical plow of the Oak Trees for them. We asked the girl’s ring to reconsider the terms of marriage. Over the objections of Ostlana’s mother, who was a member of the Rakstanti ring, it was decided that a normal bride price and dowry would suffice. The marriage would go ahead, with no thefts or feuds.

We hosted the wedding banquet of Ostlana and Rangoron. We gave gifts to Ostlana’s clan. They praised our generosity.

We were raided by the Jerendings. Farnan ended up unseen among the enemy’s warriors. He killed and wounded many of the enemy. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

The god-talkers said that bees would bless our flowers and crops this year.

Uralda cultists offered to perform a ritual to benefit our herds. We accepted their offer, and gave them gifts. They thanked us for the gifts. They gathered up our cows and then walked around them seven times, whisking them with the Holy Tail. After performing a lowing dance, they pronounced the ritual complete. They departed, to the cheers and good wishes of the carls.

We spotted a cattle raid by the Greydogs. We were driven from the battlefield and looted.

Outlaws blocked our emissary to the Orlundi clan. Marlesta and her forces killed and scattered them.

Acting as our emissary, Marlesta sought an alliance with the Orlundi. Marlesta said to them, “It would be generous of you to help us in a time of need.” Their chief, Tarkalor, agreed that our two clans should be allies. “Generosity is the prerogative of chiefs and kings,” Tarkalor said, “and I am glad to extend to you our bounty and protection.”

Enerin, the devotee of Eurmal on our clan ring, gave away a herd of our cows. We asked the Blue Spruces to give the cows back. They returned the cattle in the name of friendship.

The harvest was plentiful.

Brandig, a thane of the Jerending clan, complained that Enerin insulted him, and said there would be a feud if we did not punish our trickster. We told Brandig he should not take Enerin’s insults so seriously. He was doubly offended by this suggestion. “By saying I should not take an insult seriously, you are saying that my clan has no honor!” He left, scowling and cursing.

A wounded Uroxi stumbled into our clan hall, claiming to have been ambushed by Chaos worshippers. Once he was healed up and rested, we lent him warriors, so that he could track down the Chaos fiends who had wounded him. A few weeks later, our warriors returned. They said they had found nothing, and that the Storm Bull had grown bored and wandered off. Some of them doubted that those who wounded him were indeed Chaos worshippers.

We sent Oranda with gifts to the Jerendings.

The Trolls raided us. Enjossi followed a band of trollkin that had eluded our warriors. They ran into a stead and assaulted a family of carls, but Enjossi caught them from behind and made them pay for their evil. None of the trollkin escaped, and people said he had saved the family from a bad death. We drove the Trolls from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

Our cows were expected to give abundant milk.

Loricon spoke for the warriors when he said that they were stretched too thin, and that more fighters were needed. We sent Jotisan on a mission to find the best warriors available.

We learned that the Jerendings had started a feud with us.

The Aranwyth sought to make peace with our tribe. Before the moot, we said: “Make peace if they give cows to each clan.” The other clans agreed with us. We were chosen to negotiate with the Aranwyth delegates. We reached an agreement, and made pledges of peace between our tribes. They gave each clan fifteen cows.

The ghosts of our dead warriors returned and scolded us again, saying that our actions shamed the clan. We sacrificed to Humakt.

Tonalang led a caravan to trade with the Vanstali.

Outlaws blocked our emissary to the Fire Quartz clan. Tonalang and his forces killed and scattered them.

Acting as our emissary, Tonalang sought information from the Fire Quartz. Tonalang asked, “Who should we fear, among the clans in Dragon Pass?” Yerestia, chief of the Fire Quartz, told Tonalang that her traders had overheard thanes of the Jerending clan seeking the aid of others in launching a raid against us.

The Jerendings raided us. Farnan was wounded while facing the Jerending charge. He rallied our warriors and attacked. Farnan’s wound slowed down his charge, and the Jerendings struck him down. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled.

Ordag wanted vengeance against the men who had killed his father many years before. We sent a delegation to demand wergild for the slaying of Ordag’s father. The Orleving lawspeaker said that their clan should not be liable for actions taken so long ago, when Gustand and Harvar belonged to another, faraway clan. Furthermore, the two men had changed since they burned Rangor. “They have renounced their brutal ways, and are now as judicious and honorable as any Orlanthi thane.” “Yet,” said their chief, Heorl, “in the interests of harmony between our clans, we will pay the wergild you ask.”

Kallyr returned from her training. We tested her mettle by sending her on an exploratory mission.

The harvest was poor.

Jotisan returned from his recruiting mission with 6 new weaponthanes.

Explorers encountered a bark-clad shaman who predicted the arrival of a virtuous outlaw and warned against a swarm of insects.

We saw a rainbow; the people were cheered by this good omen. Because we were lucky, we decided to pursue trade opportunities.

Bandits blocked our emissary to the Greydog clan. Tonalang attacked, but our forces were routed.

There were many swirling gusts of wind, but nobody was sure what this meant.

Thadart, the warrior whose visage was made monstrous by the alien god of the Tusk Riders, said that other members of the clan had dishonored him, and demanded that the clan ring reproach them. Tonalang sought to persuade the people to treat him with greater respect. Harsaltar sought to persuade the people to treat him with greater respect. They agreed that they had not behaved properly towards Thadart, and promised to mend their ways. Thadart said he had much ale for them to drink, if they would do him the honor of accepting his hospitality. The people drank long into the night, and the matter was settled.

Our cattle raid against the Greydogs was spotted. We drove the Greydogs from the battlefield, and were able to plunder their tula.

The warrior Farnan, outlawed from his clan, came to us for refuge. We gave him an honored place in the chief’s hall.

Our expedition to Mount Kero Fin returned. Kallyr had a wondrous tale to tell. She and the others were exploring the snowy reaches of Orlanth’s mother, when they found themselves swept away to participate in an ancient battle, fighting against the forces of Lokamayadon, the traitorous priest who sought to eclipse Orlanth. Kallyr and the others fought against berserkers who opened doorways to the underworld with every blow they struck. Despite the confusing circumstances and difficult odds, our explorers fought well. Another great gust blew them back to Kero Fin, where wind spirits rewarded us. For a moment, they let us see the world from the top of Mount Kero Fin; they said we should look for a place we wanted to explore. They said that this view would give us a great advantage the next time we went wandering.

A tree spirit deep in the woods demanded a human sacrifice, offering magic or food in exchange. We sent a party to fell the tree. It took several days to locate the tree, but Kallyr persisted. One man almost took off his own foot with an axe, and the tree managed to snatch up Kallyr and battered her severely with its branches before dropping her from a great height. When the tree finally toppled, it somehow managed to crush one of the party.

Jotisan led a caravan to trade with the Bayberries.

All of the other clans in our tribe suffered bad harvests.

An aspiring poet from the Rangdani clan, Enfrew, would not stop telling a long, boring poem. Harsaltar roused the sleepy audience to cheer him as if the poem were done, and he mercifully stopped.

Darndrev, a Bachad thane, warned us that our alliance with his clan was in jeopardy. He said we were allied with too many clans. We chose to end our alliance with one of the other clans. Darndrev said we had made the right decision. We sent emissaries to tell the Red Foxes that we were ending our alliance with them. They were very unhappy to hear this news.

Our explorers discovered rocks that shine in the dark, which could be used to make valuable amulets.

At a tribal moot, the Greydog clan announced that they were leaving the tribe. They blamed us, in part, for their decision to leave. We said that they would be better off within the tribe than outside it. Our wise words caused them reconsider their decision, and they remained in the tribe.

Trickster magic might be more reliable this year.

Enjossi’s combat skill was acknowledged to be of heroic level.

Jotisan led a caravan to trade with the Bayberries.

We found an old series of sacred stones in a forest clearing on our tula. We decided to find shamans to awaken the stone spirits. Shamans from the Tree Brothers came to help us. They awakened the spirits, who said that they would teach us many forgotten secrets of crafting, which would increase our success in trade.

Yinkin cultists came and asked for our help in a heroquest to fight the god of wolves, Telmor. Kestald agreed to play the role of Orlanth, and left with the Yinkini.

Thanks to Kestald’s assistance, the Yinkin worshippers triumphed in the Wolf Death heroquest.

While exploring the wildlands of our own tula, our explorers found 15 cows worth of old bronze armor.

Enastakos, a Greydog trader, offered to trade for all our gems. We refused him, of course.

The carls warned the clan ring that there were too many people, and they could not produce enough food for everyone. Clan leaders decided to delay action by trading for more food. The carls complained that delay would accomplish nothing, but that we had better hurry and send the trading missions.

The Jerendings raided us. Jerending warriors running ahead of their companions tried to break into our stead to plunder. They were trying to cross our ditch when Enjossi had a chance to cut them off. Enjossi leapt in among the enemy, slashing and slaying. They died or ran. We drove the Jerendings from the battlefield, striking them down as they fled. Farnan distinguished himself in the fighting.

We spotted a cattle raid by the Greydogs. We were driven from the battlefield and looted.

Traders told us that the Dwarfs raided the Enhyli clan, doing great harm to them. We helped them with gifts.

The harvest was plentiful.

Thadart, the warrior with the Tusk Rider face, implored us to find him a bride. Clan leaders promised to find him a bride. After long discussions with a number of friendly clans, we found a prospect for him: Kistrald of the Tree Brother clan. She was neither lovely nor clever, but when Thadart’s set eyes upon her, both were filled with love. The people, who had embraced Thadart and his cause, rejoiced. They set about making a wedding celebration that would be remembered in Dragon Pass for generations to come.

The omens said that Chalana Arroy would reward us if we refrained from raiding this year.

We learned that a local peak was sacred to Arfritha, a granddaughter of Vingkot. We began annual sacrifices to her. All of our god-talkers of Ernalda had visions of deep secrets of the earth. Some were frightened, but they all seemed wiser. Afterwards, many people began to refer to our valley as the Arfritha Vale.

One of our exploration parties found gems in a cliff on our tula.

One of our women was found dead, with a savage wolf-bite on her throat. We tracked the wolf to a small camp nearby, where two small children were dressed in skins and walked on all fours. When we killed the wolf, they burst into tears. We killed the children, too.

Jotisan led a caravan to trade with the Vanstali.

Hiord came to ask us for a gift of luck and divine favor, saying that his clan, the Greydogs, would owe us a favor. He said that as king, we should be willing to help the clans in our tribe so that they did not grow weak. We gave more than the customary amount. Hiord said that Harsaltar made a good tribal king, and pledged his people’s political support for our clan.

Acting as our emissary, Tonalang sought a gift of magic from the Herani, who owed us a favor. He asked for the usual amount, no less and no more. They granted Tonalang’s request.

The Pharaoh’s sorcerers came to us looking for “Belintar’s Book,” a large tome which they say was stolen from the Pharaoh. We said, “We know nothing of this book.” They threatened us with their sorcerous implements. The sorcerers thanked us for the information, and left.

A delegation of Telmori warned us that they would attack us if we did not mend our ways toward them. We offered them compensation. They accepted it, and said that it would go some way towards addressing their grievance against us.

We found a cave full of dangerous, armored rodents on our tula. Enerin said she would lure them away with trickster magic. She pranced about the cave mouth, singing a song which she said was an irresistibly salacious tune in the language of the killer rodents. It seemed absurd, but the rodents formed a line and followed Enerin as she danced away from the borders of our tula and towards those of the White Horse clan.

Einarth Milk-Eyes returned to congratulate us on successfully living up to the promise of the ten-year ring. He said that the great deeds of our clan would be celebrated in verse, and that our descendants would gain strong magic from us after we have gone to the Halls of the Dead. Einarth said that our herds were small, but that no one would include this fact in the sagas. Einarth said that the might of our warriors would be remembered. Einarth said that our success in trade was fit cause for boasting. In conclusion, Einarth praised us for maintaining the esteem of our neighbors.