I decided to consolidate all of the posts that I've done under the subtitle: Things I Learned from Champions:
- Preamble
- A Power Fantasy Has A Cost
- It's Okay to RetCon or Reboot or even Re-invent!
- Sometimes the JLA is Busy
- Exactly the Character You Want
- Sometimes You Just Want to Fight
- The Stories are Spectacular
- Being A Hero Isn't Easy
- A 500 pt. Character is different from a 250 pt. + 250 XP character
- The Multiverse Is My (Potential) Sandbox (part 01)
- There Are Always Possibilities
- Keep Some Surprises Under the Hood
- Maximum Movement Determines The Limits of Your Sandbox

I will continue to post new articles -- especially now that I'm running games for my son -- as I want to see how I can help re-create that experience for him as we play.
At the same time, there's just something about the players of this game that, despite variances in preferences and play styles, seem to demonstrate that the style of play supported by this system is one that is enjoyed.