Saturday, September 12, 2015

Armchair Reviews: DWAITAS -- The Ninth Doctor Sourcebook

I approached the review of this sourcebook with some trepidation. After all, the Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space (DWAITAS) series of sourcebooks had been solid entries every time – with the Doctor series churning out astoundingly consistent source material in the tone and spirit of each of the eras, despite the volume (or paucity thereof) of actual episodes during that Doctor’s era.

However, this one was the incarnation of the Doctor that revived the franchise on TV -- and one that had eight sourcebooks preceding it. Was it going to live up to expectations? Or might it lapse into a boring re-tread of what had gone before?

A Solid Framework

Dedicated collectors and followers of this particular series of sourcebooks would, I’m sure, agree that some aspects of repetition are actually the strength of this series.

I’m very fond of the presence of the initial chapter of each of these books that give an overview of the peculiarities and strengths of this particular Doctor’s personality, and the character of the adventures during this era.

The roll call of protagonists and antagonists (statted out, with descriptions and explorations of their role during this era, of course) is also a given. But it’s unarguably essential to a sourcebook like this. It’s also very well done: character sheets for each with a great selection of iconic imagery for each. As always, I love that the TARDIS has its own writeup.

Perhaps that’ll be my next campaign idea: a Doctorless campaign with “companions” recruited by the TARDISes of various incarntations. Hm, a Storm of TARDISes has a nice ring to it.

Unique Challenges

This era only saw one Season / Series, meaning a quite a bit less source material in terms of episodes (we’ll come back to the Eight Doctor’s sourcebook as soon as I pick it up), but these episodes – in conjunction with the section tackling handling adventures in this era in greater detail – really give players a lot of options in running Doctor-y or Doctorless campaigns with the mix of personal drama, neo-pulpish adventure, and witty banter.

I really have to say that these synopses are well-written – and have been over this series of because. Concise, but filled with easy-to-follow details (useful for the GM who hasn’t quite reviewed every single episode in the given era, and may not have the time to do so). They also always raise concerns regarding continuity (that some sharp-minded GMs and Players will likely tackle in or out of play.

There’s also great notes on running your players through the episode as an adventure – fantastic I’m sure for the fans who’ve always wanted a chance to be a real companion of The Doctor.

Furthermore, the smaller pool of adventures does give the writing team an opportunity to really go in-depth and all-out in mining and milking these episodes for (a) adventures; (b) spin-off adventures; (c) motifs and leitmotifs of the Doctor’s adventures to reinforce the feel; (d) ideas on using location and enemies in different or expanded ways.

For the Fans

There is some added benefit here for me as a fan – some of my favorite episodes can be found here (“The End of the World, Dalek, Father’s Day, and The Parting of Ways), along with the first appearances of some enigmatic continuing characters. Much of the analysis and extrapolation here helps feed that fan prediliction for speculation, and is a rich source for both theories, and possible adventuring in the continuum of Time & Space that the Doctor inhabits.

Highly recommended.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Game To Play: Worlds In Peril -- Redline

Here's my current character (perhaps incorrectly created) for Worlds In Peril.

This is my take on a speedster. A riff on the Barry Allen version of the Flash.

Shifting Priorities: Read, Review, Play, Run

Time is such a valuable commodity. Commitments to work, family, and the realities of time, distance, and traffic in the Philippines make it hard to get game time. So I must decide how to handle all my gaming interests by classifying them.


Games, systems, and settings that I'm only going to read. Doesn't mean it's not good -- it just means that in terms of priority (for a variety of reasons), they're not going to be going acted on further. For now.


Games, systems, and settings that I'm going to review. It's a little bit more work here (writing takes time and effort, naturally), but it's worth it to review & promote it.


Games, systems, and settings that I'm going to try to find a way to play (either offline one-shots or online campaigns). Have to be moderately familiar with system and setting. And time is spent scheduling and playing and building characters and so on.


Games, systems, and settings that I'm only going to run. Have to be familiar with the system, setting, and have some kind of adventure ready. Then find players and a venue (online & offline).

Echoes: Piacenza - Season 2 Episode 42

Justicar Rinaldo in his younger years.

Legato Reunited! Well, A Quorum, Anyway. 

Game Summary for Echoes Book 02: S02E042

Echoes Book 02 is a continuation of a more narrative-oriented campaign (almost no rules, all aspects-based interpretation) that now uses D&D 5E rules.

Piacenza: La citta Spezzata

I'm not the only one seeing this, am I?
No. What is it?
As Rinaldo, Osha, and Fierra cross over on the way back from the Palazzo di Sovrino, the sky has taken on a strange rippled appearance, as if some thing or things beyond the range of vision are casting shadows on it from above. The daylight has thus become bizarre as well, with erratic patches of sun and shade. The effect is oppressive and - to Rinaldo, at least - somewhat dreadful, but the citizenry seem to be, if not quite untroubled, at least unsurprised by it.
Fierra? Are you seeing it, too?
Oh, yes, it's noontime. Actually, I expected your - talk - to last longer.
So this is normal, at noontime?
(as Fierra looks at him quizzically)
I've been away so long.
It's become normal, in recent times. I suppose it's one of the drawbacks of our lack of involvement in Scienza - no one knows why it happens, but it's harmless.
Oh, so we don't really have Scienzans. You were never - interested, yourself?
We both had our childhood curiosity, but I'm much better suited in my capacity.
And me?
(inexplicably amused)
Well, you're Scienzan now, aren't you?
(while Rinaldo is pretending to get the joke)
We are heading now to the Ordine della Ore Perse, Osha, and I'm afraid entry is restricted to persons of a certain clearance level. You understand.
So Rinaldo is a person of a certain clearance level?
He must not have felt he was allowed to tell you: he is Chief Justicar of Giustizia.
He's what?
(pretending not to be equally astonished)
Amazing, isn't it?
But - How - ?
Amazing, isn't it?

Ordine della Ore Perse, Distretto di Giustizia - shortly

Osha having agreed to wait outside, Fierra and Rinaldo are waiting in an office.
I sent word. We're early, but the Paladino della Primo Ora should be here soon.
Do I normally take longer, when - I visit the Doge? Do I normally visit the Doge?
(giving her cousin a wry look)
I’d say you're playing a dangerous game with all these women, but do I have to?
Justicar Rinaldo, what a privilege and relief to see you again.
Pallladddino? Vito?
Signorina Cardano, I apologize for making you wait. As you know, we were not certain when Rinaldo would arrive, but all has been arranged now that he has.
I'll leave him in your capable hands, then, Paladino Vittorio.
(to Rinaldo)
I'll be waiting outside when you're done.
Fierra steps out.
Are you well, old friend? I hope the assignment was not too troublesome for you.
Oh, well, I've had a day or so to - Rest and Recover.
(evidently oblivious to Rinaldo's attempted prompt)
Oh, yes, I hear you've even had time to - pay a visit, hmm?
Rinaldo feigns laughter. Vittorio seems surprised that his teasing was understood.
Ah, the memory blocks have begun to degrade, have they? Well, that is all to the good; it should make the restoration procedure go even more smoothly.
The restoration - ?
A servitor appears and murmurs something to Vito, who looks annoyed.
Please forgive me, Justicar Rinaldo; a pressing matter requires my attention. I should return shortly. Why not take the opportunity to stretch your legs a bit?
Mystified but obedient for now, Rinaldo loiters outside Vito's office, where he runs into Lia Tanzi, dressed in the same sort of semi-armored uniform as Vito. She introduces herself - so he pretends not to know her - and invites him into her own office for a spot of tea, while waiting.
Some crackers? I'd love to offer you something more substantial, but we wouldn't want to compromise the restoration procedure, would we?
No, of course we wouldn't.
May I ask? I know the overlay will be examined - meticulously, I assure you - but as a matter of departmental pride: no one doubted you were a scientist?
Not - to my knowledge - Is that what your department does? Forgive me - my memory, as you know - I was given to understand we don't have much Scienza.
Please, there is nothing to forgive; it is hardly surprising you don't remember! I am Paladino della Secondo Ora; my office is concerned with acquired knowledge - such as Scienza, but by no means exclusively so - while Paladino Vito's department focuses on the more primal foundations of identity.
The first hour. I see.
Exactly. So while the core, construction, and application of the overlay - along with, of course, the preservation and restoration of your original identity - are under his auspices, I and mine were happy to help with the knowledge aspect.
And you did a wonderful job; thank you. May I ask what happens to the overlay?
It will be lifted and examined - all information recorded - and thereafter stored with great care. It's normal for you to perhaps be experiencing some attachment now, but once you are returned to your proper self, it will be a great relief.

(after a pause)

Do you really not remember me?
Just as Andrew is hollering that it's time for Rinaldo to get the hell out before he's lobotomized, Lia is summoned by another servitor. She tells Rinaldo to make himself comfortable - she'll have Vito informed where he is. She leaves the room, and Rinaldo immediately proceeds to stuff his face with all the protein and fat he can get his hands on.

An operating room - soon

Wait, wait, wait, are you telling me this procedure has never been tested?
Not at all, Justicar! We have performed extensive testing, and I assure you, this new technology of exsanguination with the leeches - which is only a portion of the overall procedure - has been approved by all relevant authorities of the Ordine.
Nevertheless, this is the first use of the technique in an actual procedure?
Well, one must start somewhere, Paladino!
You really think it is advisable for that "somewhere" to be on a Chief Justicar?
Ulea, the Paladino della Momento Perduta, clears his throat meaningfully.
(who dislikes Ulea)
Regardless of being a personal friend, Justicar Rinaldo is not only a high-ranking official of Giustizia, but currently in possession of potentially-critical information. Things can go wrong - is that not why your presence is required, Paladino Ulea? It hardly seems the occasion for experimentation.
As I said, this is not experimentation, because we have already experimented, thoroughly! Paladino Vittorio, you signed off on the memo yourself.
Vito, who does not read his paperwork, guiltily shifts the focus of the argument. The hirudotherapist stands his ground. The Paladin of the Lost Moment harrumphs. Until -
Sirs, forgive me for interrupting, but we have another issue. I'm afraid the Justicar's stomach is not empty. There is protein; we cannot proceed.
Ulea clears his throat.
Well, of course he was informed not to eat for twenty-four hours, but it is hardly surprising if he did not remember! Memory blocks tend to do that. Rinaldo -
It was only a little bit.
But, Justicar, surely Director Cardano would not have permitted -
Yes, surely, but what is one to do when the Doge presses refreshments on them?
Before long, the procedure is canceled for the day, and Rinaldo is thankfully let up from the operating table. He and Vito begin heading out of the Ordine, Vito admonishing Rinaldo to have nothing but bread and water for the next 24 hours, so they can proceed the next day.
I demand to see him! Paladino! Paladino!
Ah, Custode delle Cinque Venti, what a pleasant surprise.
"Surprise"? "Surprise"! You know perfectly well I have been trying to see you for over a week now! Just because your department and mine do not see eye-to-eye -
You mean, because Diplomazia wishes to make nice with the very villains who have taken over one of our sovereign districts, and Guistizia disagrees?
No one is trying to "make nice"! The reality is, Savon has annexed Gran Lunga, and how are we to resolve that situation, if not through diplomacy?
Yes, if we shake their hands the right way, they will give us back our territory.
How dare you - Rinaldo? Is that you?
Cesare! It's so good to see you. In fine form, I see.
As are you, of course; the years have treated us well. But where have you been?
Sneaking a peek at a mirror in passing, Rinaldo sees they are all some ten years older.
Oh, you know, here and there. Speaking of which, how goes the mapmaking?
(suddenly even more furious)
How. Dare. You! You know I left that life behind, that - that - inconsequence! That foolishness! Are you calling me inconsequential and foolish?!
I'm really not -
I thought you, at least, would be different! But no, you are all the same, you of Giustizia, accusing Diplomazia of harboring - what is that odious term you use? "Uglies"! I ask you, what could be uglier than bringing up a man's past, dredging up the matter of - I can barely bring myself to say the word - cartography!
Custode Cesare, your indoor voice, please -
I am using my indoor voice!
If you could bring yourself, a moment, to listen to my indoor voice, you might hear me telling you that Justicar Rinaldo is currently suffering an impairment to his memory, and thus cannot be held responsible for any lack of delicacy -
(in a stunningly abrupt Piacenzan mood shift)
Oh, I apologize! Is that what you and Paladino Vittorio were tending to, today? I am sorry; I heard that your endeavor was canceled for some reason. You must make sure that it is rescheduled promptly, lest you be subject to endless delays.
Cesare frowns meaningfully at Vito, as they step outside the building, where Fierra and Osha are waiting. Vito heroically refrains from rolling his eyes, and excuses himself.
I will go see that all scheduling matters are put in order, shall I?
Well, now that I understand, Rinaldo, of course you cannot be blamed for not recalling - that incident -
As he, Rinaldo, Osha, and Fierra begin to walk away, Cesare rocks on his heels. (What happens, really, is that Cesare’s consciousness plunges down from the Oneiral Zone into this Cesare!)
Rinaldo! We're in Giustizia! Giustizia's not drowned!
(continues babbling cartographic observations)
Yes. No. Cesare? Wait. How do you know I'm the Rinaldo you trust?
What other Rinaldo is there? Who are those people following us?
Those are your assistants, who accompanied you to see Paladino Vito -
Vito? Vito is here? What is Vito doing here!? He is the anchor! How am I to return with you to the anchor from here, when Vito is the anchor and he is here!?
(lowering his voice)
Shut up, Cesare. He is not the Vito we know. This is not what we know.
"Assistants"? You mean those are my thralls? I have thralls? I do not have -
Suddenly convinced that he is, himself, once more being enthralled by a Longlegs, Cesare crosses his arms and refuses to speak or budge. Rinaldo tries to explain what he knows.
Rinaldo? We should retire to the Hall, so you can rest for tomorrow.
Yes, but I ran into an old friend.
He has become unusually silent. Let us go somewhere and celebrate.
If you show me your true face, Longlegs, I will tell you everything.
(after a brief pause)
Rinaldo, will you excuse the two of us for a moment?
Oh, you know each other? Well, certainly.
Rinaldo takes the opportunity to whisper to Osha that this seems to be ‘their’ Cesare.
(hissing privately to Cesare)
We agreed that if we meet outside, after everything, we treat each other with dignity and respect! I told you, and I'm telling you again, and I need to believe it's for the last time: you chose - her. You cannot go commenting about my legs!
Cesare, who has never met Fierra, realizes he would never have mentioned her to a Longlegs.
Iiii - apologize! For any heartbreak I may have inadvertently caused.
Now, if you will excuse me, Custode, I must see to Justicar Rinaldo.
Amazing, isn't it?
Rinaldo walks ahead with Fierra. Osha and Cesare hurriedly exchange information, although Cesare, characteristically, dithers for some time, until Osha cuts to the chase:
What do you need me to do?
Oh! Get Rinaldo, while I recreate the map to Salici, which will bring us to Vito.
But Vito -
The Vito of eight years ago, which is two and a half years from where we started, when the lightning happened. But first we must bring everyone together.
(possibly sarcastically)
It's that simple?
(oblivious to the possibility of sarcasm)
I am hoping it is that simple? At least this part should be.
Osha goes to fetch Rinaldo. Cesare starts to redraw his map, only to find that his ink seems to seep away into the air; they are, as Rinaldo hypothesized earlier, underwater.
I need a way to keep my ink from dissipating!
CESARE's ring
(in a quite male voice)
I stand ready, Dapifer.
Who's that? Who is talking to me? Are you talking to me?
I am Mistral, Dapifer.
I have a female thrall in my ring? How convenient!
With the help of "Miss Thrall", it's done! The trio travels through the Oneiral Zone - Osha felling some of the now-multiple Longlegs wandering about, calling Cesare's name - to Archiviare, where they are reunited with ‘their’ Vito. Everyone reverts to their 'normal' age.
All seems well, and much theorizing occurs, until Rinaldo realizes that they have left Eugen behind! Osha points out that not only he, but Mateo and the Savonians recovered their Violazione memories, and may also (being Savonian) be in danger from the authorities.
A re-rescue attempt is agreed upon, except that they need another anchor, since Vito is still serving as such for Master Juven, who has yet to return. Rinaldo recalls that his druid friend, Bernardo Matarellia, was heading for Archiviare when Rinaldo last saw him.
Sweet Jorge confirms that such a person is, in fact, known to be present in the area, albeit likewise known as a madman. Rinaldo contacts Bernardo druidically, and, despite indeed appearing not to be in possession of a complete set of marbles, Bernardo agrees to help, in exchange for Rinaldo's promise to help him plead for the Green Antlered God's benison.
Rinaldo ends up staying behind to keep an eye on Bernardo, but aside from that - for once - the travel through the Oneiral Zone goes off without a hitch. Then Osha and Cesare emerge into a miniature war zone! The Portinari residence is under siege by forces in Piacenzan livery, and curious liquids and lights fill the air, as the Savonians fight back.
We will protect you, Signor Zorsi!
Cesare, are you sure we can only take Eugen? That is Via's father!
He's alive?
For now! And what about the Savonians? We can’t just leave them.
All right, all right! I just need to adjust the specifications of the map - I need to make the requisite calculations - If I make a mistake, it could be - I need -
(shouting, after inspiration strikes)
Dietrich! Dietrich, tell me you're here!
Soon, with Osha and Hans coordinating, Cesare and Dietrich are huddled over the map.
I do not understand the problem.
See, the map - and thus the spell - was constructed for three or four, but now we are seventeen, and so all the parameters need to be adjusted to compensate for -
No, I mean I do not understand why there is a problem.
(staring at the map, which the mathematician has recalibrated in a minute or so)
Oh. Oh!
Before long, everyone is clustered together. However, there's one little problem.
Thank you, my friends, but I cannot go with you.
Signor Zorsi, you cannot expect to reason with these mad people -
If you are not here, they have no proof that I have been "harboring Savonians".
That may not stop them from throwing you in jail, on suspicion.
They might, or they might not be able to; this is Cultura, and I am Mateo Zorsi. But more importantly, what if Via comes? I have not seen my daughter in ten years; I will not have her come to find me, only to discover I have left her.
I promise you, Signor, I will find your daughter.
You are a friend of Rinaldo's and Osha's, so please do not think I do not trust you. Rather, I do. So after you have gotten my daughter to safety, you can get me.